Chiropractic Care is one of the Best Treatment Modalities for Workplace Injuries

Chiropractors are empowered with the skills, education, and training necessary to alleviate pain stemming from work injuries of all sorts. Most injured workers make a beeline for their doctor’s office following a workplace injury. Though it makes sense to visit with the doctor for some injuries, doctors are not always the best option following an unfortunate workplace accident. Some injured workers consider medication and surgery. However, one little-known secret is chiropractic care is often the best option for reducing pain and helping the injured worker return to work as quickly as possible.

How chiropractic care reduces pain from workplace injuries

The majority of injuries suffered in the workplace are musculoskeletal injuries. Chiropractors are experts in treating musculoskeletal injuries. Chiropractors treat everything from back issues to neck problems, headaches induced by tension, numbness, and pain in the extremities. Chiropractic treatment also alleviates tendon, muscle and ligament strains. This form of care involves many different therapies as outlined below.

Tap into the power of chiropractic adjustments

Chiropractors are specially trained to pinpoint joint dysfunction, joint restrictions and subsequently treat these problems to the point that the patient feels little or no pain. This is accomplished through an adjustment. Such adjustments rely on a strong force applied with precision to restore joint functionality and alignment. This approach also relieves muscle tension stemming from restriction or dysfunction. Once the body is aligned, it is capable of doing precisely what it is best at Self-healing.

Electric stim therapy

Those plagued by muscle spasms and pain will find electric stim therapy quite helpful. The contraction of the muscles through low-frequency electrical pulses proves quite useful in pain reduction.

Massage therapy

Patients in need of neck pain treatment or back pain treatment will find massage therapy quite helpful. Massage therapy reduces tension and stress, relieving muscle pain and mitigating other pains stemming from the work injury.

Manipulative therapy

Chiropractors often rely on manual adjustments to align the patient’s spine, helping improve range of motion, flexibility, and functionality. This form of chiropractic treatment makes it that much easier for patients to return to work in a reasonable amount of time and resume their prior responsibilities.

Chiropractic treatment increases blood flow

Once the dysfunction caused by the auto workplace injury is resolved, blood flow to the area in question will increase. This improved blood flow ensures the cardiovascular system and nervous system function in unison and repair injured tissues.

A chiropractor can even restore proper use

The increase in blood flow resulting from chiropractic treatment allows the joint to heal, restoring proper use to or near the level enjoyed before the injury. This means that any range of motion limits no longer bother the patient. The joint can be used as necessary for working, exercising and living everyday life.

Contact our chiropractor today

Request a chiropractor appointment here: or call Woods Chiropractic PC at (317) 257-3919 for an appointment in our Indianapolis office.

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